Venom: Screw Your Schemes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WastelandSniper · 73

This is the deck (with a few tweaks) I had initially put together for a friend to play at work during lunch (we didn't get to play), but ended up being my go-to deck at Con of Champions. Even with a couple of cards I only realized after playing the first time didn't actually work with the deck, it was a monster at keeping threat cleared in multiplayer, and can still also pack a punch in solo.

I like flipping, so this deck can easily flip down when you want to, while also being able to keep standing when you need to. The card draw in this deck is surprisingly robust, and Project Rebirth 2.0 contributes heavily to this (thus the flipping down a lot). Overall you get a fast setup and really run through your deck multiple times in a game.

The allies can be substituted out for more of the basic Guardians depending on the scenario, but overall every single one has contributed in a big way to any game I've played with this lineup.

Venom is a strong and versatile hero anyway, but with this setup he's a powerhouse in threat removal.