Commander Stark

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Meck71 · 44

50 Cards? No problem. Futurist and Call for Aid are gonna help with that.

Early Game: Play Stark Tower ASAP and use meditation to get good value out of being in Alter-Ego. Aggressively discard to get yourself up and running in terms of tech. Reinforced suit should help to keep a 2THW ally on the table a couple of turns longer to help you ease into hero mode, while giving you an extra tech resource. Command Team early and often to use your 2THW allies to "cancel" villain turns(Vision especially adept at this with the boost)

Mid Game: Arc Reactor and allies to generate value on your turns in hero mode while you're setting up your Rapid Response plays and using Make the call to go grab those allies that you discarded/resourced to keep your board state rocking.

Late Game: Use the Suit lol. Call for aid into avengers and get through the deck for consistent ally presence

Drawback: Repulsor Blast limited in its "big-turn" potential in this deck