Ms. Marvel - Go champions !

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Charles · 566

EDIT : Aerocycle can’t be played with Champions, so just get it off !

Hi !

With the new MCU show on Disney +, i wanted to imagine a thematic deck with Champions sinergy !

I really love Miss Marvel, but always had some difficulties in solo ! With leadership aspect, i tought it would be easier to control the board !

Well, let’s go for some explanations ! ————————————————————————— ALLIES :

With this deck, you want 4 allies in play, and keep some of them alive to the end :

  • Snowguard is your MVP. She controls the treat, and you can heal her with First Aid ( and boost her with Team Training / Reinforced Suit ).

  • Spiderman / Iron Heart / Vivian / Moon girl are cheap allies you just want to trigger and use to block. But you can keep them on the board with first aid too, to trigger band together. Lockjaw is here for thematic purpose, but can always be useful.

  • Patriot, Falcon are late game allies. Try to play them with band together or double ressources. Falcon is crazy with Snoguard and Miss Marvel Suit ! ( you can handle 6 threat in one turn … 8 with Patriot coming on the board … )

Use innovation to keep your MVP’s alive ! Triskelion is obviously a priority.



In this deck, she will be a healer first. In late game, she will become your boss killer with Embiggen / Big hands.

Amir Khan is incredible to get back «  Go for Champions », and do some crazy turns. Deft focus will help with your Superpowers ( Big Hands ) and synergize with your Bionetic Suit to play events free ( and get’em back with your ability ! )

Don’t be afraid to go in AE and flip/flap every turn, for heal / use Nakia and Amir. Bruno is not a priority but can be useful with « go for champions » and some big boss turns !


This deck is quite young, and just beat Klaw Expert / Masters Of Evil for now. But i think there is some potential here !

Enjoy !