SCL 11/2 - Spectrum - Justice - Three Quarters a Wrecking Cr

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Iamironman · 27

my Spectrum Justice deck for season 11 / round 2 of the solo champions league.

will update my results below as I play my 3 official games.

Official game 1

Difficulty - standard

Outcome - Win round 8

Villain/Minion HP - 0

Threat - 0

Hero/ally HP - 3

Avengers tower - stronghold (5 dmg)

Official game 2

Difficulty - standard

Outcome - Win round 8

Villain/Minion HP - 0

Threat - 0

Hero/ally HP - 4

Avengers tower - stronghold (7 dmg)

Official game 3

Difficulty - standard

Outcome - Win round 12

Villain/Minion HP - 0

Threat - 0

Hero/ally HP - 12

Avengers tower - stronghold (5 dmg)