Spectrum Protection SCL Season 11 Round 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mghouston91 · 9

This is the deck I've thrown together to go up against standard Tower Defense with the Black Order modular in the Solo Champions League. I picked Protection in my alliance because I think it brought some cool things to the table that complement Spectrum well. This deck really wants to thin and it does so quick and cheap which is good because Monica doesn't thin well in her kit. Ever Vigilant is super clutch here giving you extra activations in Gamma form while also removing threat from one of the mains. Leading Blow is also clutch as there are only 3, 3 boost cards in the encounter deck that can cancel the ready. You might be thinking, "Matt, where are all your allies?". You don't need em. Between Perseverance, Pulsar Shield, Energy Barrier, and flipping down to ensure being in the right form, you're gravy baby! I've been sitting around 8-10 rounds with a clean board.