Ms. Marvel Justice for All (multiplayer)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cmaka74 · 10

This deck is intended to be a primary thwarting option in a multiplayer game with her kit.

Threat removal

  • Shrink
  • Sneak By
  • For Justice!
  • Stealth Strike

Threat prevention
  • Concussive Blow
  • Counterintelligence
Thwarting allies
  • Daredevil
  • Jessica Jones (depending on side schemes)
  • Red Dagger
Other thwarting related cards
  • Under Surveillance (better with lower player counts)
  • Heroic Intuition (Ms. Marvel probably won't do basic THW actions often, but 2 THW is respectable when you do)
  • Quake (ping damage as minions invariably scheme)