Nova Leadership - Go Wild!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Soonerbdead · 19

This Deck is made to be versatile and fun.

The plan of attack is keeping allies alive and recurring events using Ms. Marvel.

Plenty of wilds to get a free helmet early, and letting the decks events be cheaper to play.

Ms. Marvel with first aid or reinforced suit can be a powerful combo. Its only a mini Voltron, but still usable.

Should let you bounce some helpful events that you need to keep around a couple times as you filter through your deck.

"Go for Champions" is an event, but the cost to bounce requires damage to be done so you cannot repeat GFC. Everything else is fair game.

Unleashing the Nova Force is a powerful card! This allows Nova to potentially wipe the board of small enemies and draw a lot of cards at once. Events are only limited by hand size, so you could have some huge turns.

Definitely worth returning to hand if possible. Command Team allows you to sometimes bounce 2 events in one turn.

Going to test a few times and report back. Enjoy!