Amazing Spiderman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Element1945 · 1

I would like to share my spiderman deck. Feel free to give me tips.

Deck is performing well so far consistently beating expert Rhino, Klaw and Ultron. (I did not try other villains yet).

I play with 47 cards at the moment. 3 cards are flex spots.

Max 1 per players cards are included in 1 copy as you will cycle through deck 2-3 times so I find additional copies unecessary.

I am not trying to end the game quickly but control the game set up the board and generate value over time. Therefore I did not opt for 40 card deck.

One Way or Another is the engine of the deck (draw 3). Threat removal is strong side of the deck so revealing side scheme should not be an issue.

Lay Down the Law removes 4 threat for 2. Very good for clearing side schemes villain starts the game with.

Monica Chang + 3 Surveillance Teams are nice value package.

Under Surveillance gives us more breathing space. Once it hits the board villain should not be able to advance into the next scheme stage.

I preger Surveilance Teams over event based threat removal as you can play the card when convenient and use it later without the need to hold it in hand.

Interrogation Room and Skilled Investigator (synergy there with One Way or Another) as one offs which can generate a lot of value over the coarse of the game.

Sidearm is supposed to go on Black Cat so she attack for 2.

Allies are supposed to help with THW or ATK or chump blocking.

Daredevil and Wiccan can ping enemies with Toughness.

Jessica Jones is nice comeback card when side schemes are getting out of control.

Moon Girl draws 3 cards.

Venom is pretty good as there is usually no threat on the board.

Nick Fury, Speed, Spider-Man (Miles Morales) clear 4 threat once they hit the board.

Number of allies gives the deck a good board control clearing both enemy minions and helping with schemes.

Jumping between identities is safe as villain has to start over with threat every turn.

Deck has kind of grind/toolbox feel eventually wearing the villain down and finishing him off with couple of Swinging Web Kicks.

Hope you like it.