Eveready Ant-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ready Up Ant-Man 0 0 0 1.0

Board Game Lawyer · 250

Deck I'm currently testing for Season 12 Round 4 of the Solo Champions League.

The Parameters for this round are:

Round 4 - Hela + Master of Time + Frost Giants (10/02/22-10/15/22)

Difficulty: Expert

Hero: Drax, Vision, Ms. Marvel, Adam Warlock, or Ant-Man Aspect: Protection

Campaign Elements:

  • "Find the Norn Stones" Side Scheme in play
  • 1x Shawarma in Deck

The Concept for this deck is to ready Ant-Man as much as possible throughout the game to take advantage of his excellent damage and thwarting potential.

Grey Allies are added for support.

Besides grey allies I have found sucess running androids with reboot instead.

Also have found sucess using Tech Upgrades with Repurpose to boost Ant-Man's stats to "Double Dip" when readying Ant-Man.