Web-Warrior Genius - Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Welcome to the Web-Warriors (Solo, Expert) 120 72 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

nomadic_odin · 19

Spider-Man as a Web-Warrior has a lot of options for cards and resources. The key to the build is the Warrior Of The Great Web followed by Web of Life and Destiny, and plenty of Web-Warriors to benefit from these abilities. Many decks with this sort of meta go with (3) of the Warrior of the Great Web cards to ensure the early access to this card. SP//dr's potential for cycling from play to hand and back in play again can really get that loop going. Moon Girl can generate additional cards and gels well with Ingenuity and Peter Parker's Scientist action. Team-Building Exercise gets these allies in easily, though not mandatory with all the other resource cards.

Speaking of, resources are aplenty with Quincarrier, Deft Focus, Ingenuity, and of course Spider-Man's Web Shooters. With additional cards coming in with Spider-Man's Spider-Sense action and Avenger's Mansion (if able to be invested in early enough). All of these cards will make playing 6+ card hands consistent and easy to play.

From there, a choice for aspect can be decided. Add or subtract the resource cards as needed, consider taking out Deft Focus for another Warrior of the Great Web. Deft Focus mainly benefits Swinging Web Kick, and the certainty for the Warrior of the Great Web card can be helpful. But this is more or less the basis of the Web-Warrior meta.

Here, I went with aggression. Just looking to get a bit more wallop out of Spider-Man and his allies. "You'll Pay For That" and Into the Fray can assist with the low THW. SP//dr can provide a consistent THW option if played correctly, but these can make a dent. Toe to Toe can cycle a card with Spider-Sense, and though Spider-Man has a couple evasive maneuvers (Backflip, Webbed Up, and the natural 3 DEF), Endurance was added on here to hold up against the additional attack. Toe to Toe combined with "You'll Pay for That!" can be a solid combo, albeit self inflicting, but that's why good ole Aunt May is there to boost your spirits. Boot Camp will help all these Web-Warriors. Moreso, Black Cat with her lack of consequential damage on her attacks, so consistent +2 attack if left alive.

Quick note, there seems to be a meta for some of these cards but I would say a good bit was learned from VillainTheory's Welcome to the Web-Warrior deck. I will give it up to them, they've got some great decks.

Embrace the Web!