Spider-Man | Allies Across the Spider-Verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Spider-Man | Go Down Web-Swinging 21 16 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

SpiderVersus · 1

Still in the testing process, but this list takes inspiration from "Spider-Verse Swarm" by journeyman2 and "Go Down Web-Swinging" by JWalton77, combining the things I liked about them to create a card-advantage engine with a lot of combos. The signature card in my build is the Black Panther ally which recycles Go Down Swinging and Make the Call, has beefy stats, and can be chucked for a lot of damage.


  • SP//dr for the WoLaD loop and to reinforce the Spider-Verse theme;
  • White Tiger for raw power and massive card draw on Expert;
  • Ironheart for cheap card draw;

Any of the above choices can easily trade in for Black Panther, who admittedly is a sentimental choice as he is my favorite character in the Core Set and the MCU, but I'll see how it goes for now! Comments and suggestions would be appreciated!