Captain Marvel - Furious

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nateparkes · 340

This is a tweaked version of the Core Leadership starter. Basically:

-1 Inspired -1 Tenacity -1 Emergency -1 Haymaker -1 Avengers Mansion -1 Lead from the Front

+3 Enhanced Reflexes +2 Rapid Response +1 Get Ready

So, Enhanced Reflexes is fantastic in Captain Marvel. You burn half your hand to get three consecutive turns of healing and card draw. It can also fuel Vision, Energy Channel, Photonic Blast or just pay for other cards.

Rapid Response is great for pretty much every ally in this deck:

  • Hawkeye - more arrows!
  • Maria Hill - more multi-player draw!
  • Vision - less expensive!
  • Spider-Woman/Mockingbird - more stun/confuse!

But let's talk about Nick Fury. You play him, you draw three cards, you use him to defend, he's defeated, you put him back into play with rapid response for three more cards. That's pretty good.

BUT. There's a reason I added a third copy of "Get Ready" to this deck, and it's not just so I can attack multiple times with Vision.

If you can get a copy of Rapid Response into play, and have 2 copies of Get Ready in your hand when you play Nick Fury, stuff gets bonkers.

  1. Play Nick Fury (draw 3 cards).
  2. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury)
  3. Get Ready to stand Fury.
  4. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury)
  5. Get Ready to stand Fury.
  6. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury, Fury is defeated.
  7. Trigger Rapid Response to play Nick Fury (draw 3 cards).
  8. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury)
  9. End turn, stand Fury, use him to defend.

Which is 6 cards, 8 damage, and a defended villain attack. Pretty good. But let's be crazy and say that somewhere in those 6 cards is your other copies of Rapid Response and Get Ready. Then it becomes.

  1. Play Nick Fury (draw 3 cards).
  2. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury)
  3. Get Ready to stand Fury.
  4. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury)
  5. Get Ready to stand Fury.
  6. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury, Fury is defeated.
  7. Trigger Rapid Response to play Nick Fury (draw 3 cards).
  8. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury)
  9. Play Rapid Response
  10. Get Ready to Stand Fury.
  11. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury, Fury is defeated).
  12. Trigger Rapid Response to play Nick Fury (draw 3 cards).
  13. Attack (2 damage to villain, 1 damage to Nick Fury)
  14. End turn, stand Fury, use him to defend.

That's 9 cards, 12 damage, and a defended villain attack. I mean, it's a low odds combo, but it gets a lot higher if you put both your Rapid Responses into play beforehand and start hanging onto copies of Get Ready.