Full Metal Doctor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schmendrix · 5439

"Dr. Strange is overpowered," they said. "But he can't deal with minions."

What if I told you that minions held the key to making Doctor Strange truly overpowering?

This deck is designed to make Strange thrash. The invocation deck's big cost isn't resources - it's exhausting Strange. Therefore, plow your resources into events designed to attack and defeat minions (Melee, Relentless Assault, and Uppercut). Then use those victories as triggers for Battle Fury.

The ideal turn goes something like: Exhaust to play an invocation for 0-2, play Relentless Assault to defeat a minion, ready with Battle Fury, exhaust to play an invocation. Your big turns begin with Winds of Watoomb and end with Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, with 1-2 events thrown in the middle. That's a 12 damage turn with a stun. Enhanced Physique helps provide resources for kickers and can allow multiple readies with Tenacity.

This deck should be a solo beast - you have enormous damage output and any basic hero powers should be focused on thwarting. But you should hardly need it when you can spin your invocation deck fast enough to regularly play Images of Ikkon.

It's a fun way to play Strange - full metal, all out violence.