Ms. Marvel Pinpoint Defensive Voodoo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AbisMal · 9


*Likes are appreciated if you get something out of this. This is my first hero writeup -- hopefully, it's easy enough to follow.

Dominant, controlled victories have been gained playing EXPERT versus the following villains:

-Crossbones (who never made it past Main Scheme 1, though one Advance to make the villain scheme would have changed that)

-Absorbing Man (with Legions of Hydra module)

Ms. Marvel has the potential to stay on her hero side the entire game. Unlike other heroes, Ms. Marvel's card draw can allow her to play on both the defense and offense even with a primarily defensive set of cards.

She has a number of ways to build up her tableau to the point where she can devastate her opponent. Eventually, Embiggen! will allow you to crush your enemies, either on defense with Powerful Punch (which seems to be my typical endgame scenario) or offensively with Big Hands.

Repeated card draw with Wiggle Room is the key to dominance, especially when paired with Unflappable. Keep Wiggle Room constantly at hand or cycling back into it with Pinpoint, Jocasta, and Brother Voodoo. If possible, keep Pinpoint in play for the entire game to cycle back important cards, such as Iron Fist, resource cards, Wiggle Room, and Jocasta.

Iron Fist will often contribute 16 points of damage against the villains in your first cycle through of your deck, along with stunning them 4 times, since Pinpoint can shuffle him back into your deck when he is discarded.

The end game will typically be triggered once Embiggen! is in play and the Villain is in Stage III. Powerful Punch and/or Big Hands will hand out huge damage to the villain and keep minions at bay, though one can often ignore the schemes and minions at this point while tearing through the villain.

When Wiggle Room is not yet available, Side Step, Jump Flip, and Preemptive Strike will keep damage at bay, or they can be paired with Wiggle Room to allow a copy of it to stay in your hand while managing main scheme threat (with Jump Flip or plinking the villain with damage (and controlling your own damage) with Preemptive Strike. Flow Like Water will add additional shots to accelerate the end game, though you do not have to rely on this card.

Thanks for the read! I hope some people find this useful. I'm a math teacher and just taking a bit of break on a 3-day weekend. :-)