SCL S14 R3 Basic Miles v Absorbing Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PackAttackCB · 29

The Venom ally was huge in this round- he dealt a bunch of dmg to Absorbing Man in one game and gave me a 6hp boost on my final turn in another. The extra encounter cards really didn't hurt bc Absorbing Man's cards are so weak. Otherwise, it was the typical prioritization of Miles' cards. I do want to point out that triple Endurance was included bc of the lightning resource requirement for Web-Shot. Similar thought process for Swing In and Assess the Situation. I'd recommend removing Team-Building Exercise. Web Shooter is just better, and the fist resource doesn't help with Miles' cards. I didn't play it in any of my actual games.