SHiEld Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bob3739 · 8

The Shield ecosystem synergizes well with She Hulks desire to spend more time in alter ego due to constantly flipping between hero and alter ego. Every thwart option in this deck is capable of being performed in alter ego. Utilize the shield ecosystem for thwarting, and She Hulks natural high attack plus attack boosting cards for damage.

The general strategy is to spend your early turns getting Shield cards out and managing threat. You will be flipping back and forth almost every turn. You can even stay in alter ego two turns if you play split personality for more card draw. Start your turn in Alter Ego, flip to hero, play your cards so that your last play is Split Personality. This sends you back to AE and drawing up to 6 cards. Never miss out on this if you draw Split Personality while in AE.

Once your SHiEld crew is built up you can use Global Logistics and Homeland intervention for cheap thwarting and setting the encounter deck to your favor. Then start focusing on dealing more damage to the villain through one two punch, superhuman strength, and a big Gamma Slam to finish them off.

Card notes:

Global logistics and Homeland Intervention are the stars, but you need other Shield cards to make them sing. Copies of Field Agent are included in the deck mostly as a cheaper way to have Shield cards to exhaust. For the most part you will stop using field agents once they only have 1 use left because they are better targets for Global Logistics and Homeland Intervention than for saving ally HP in this particular build.

I also would suggest trying not to use up all 3 charges on Surveillance team, but if you need that extra thwart to finish off a side scheme or save an early stage main scheme from flipping then use it.

Sky-Destroyer is probably a win more card, but if you get it early then it can do significant damage. However, it is a lower priority Shield card. If you have better things to play don't worry about letting it go. If you use Sky Destroyer 4 times then it is a slower version of our friendly neighborhood Swinging Web Kick.

Other notes:

Downtime vs Endurance: Typically with this deck I just take all of the villain attacks and use Jennifer's high recovery to keep my hit points up since I am flipping almost every turn. Endurance is better if you want to get a few more damage out of Gamma Slam. Downtime will typically result in needing to recover twice instead of three times during the game (standard difficulty). That is one extra ready per game that can be used to attack for 3. I prefer downtime, but if you want to run endurance instead go for it. I think they are roughly equivalent for this deck.

Alternative Cards: An earlier version of this build used Great Responsibility to utilize She Hulk's high recovery as a means of "thwarting". However, I found limitless stamina provided more immediate benefits and helped to kill the villain faster once the deck turned to damage dealing. So if you want more thwarting I suggest going with Great Responsibility instead of limitless stamina.

Deck size: Yes this is a 42 card deck. Is it the most optimal? probably not. Why 42 cards? Because 42 is the answer. What is the question? No one remembers.

If you are interested in dusting off She Hulk I suggest you give this version a try. You will be breaking the 4th wall and showing those villains the power of SHiEld Hulk!