Quicksilver - Repurpose the Hero

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Quicksilver Doing Shtuff. 0 0 0 1.0
Quicksilver Doing Shtuff. 0 0 0 2.0

Charles · 566

Hey !

I’ve played this monster today, and i imagine i’m not the first one to have this combos ideas !

Earth mightiest heroes : Blade, for ready Quiksilver

Repurpose : Well, no need to explain … you want to attack or counter again and again, so do it with better stats ! ( + 2 or +3 with Energy Barrier / Forcefield Generator )

Deft Focus : auto included with all superpowers

What doesn’t kill me : Quicksilver has quite low PV, so if you don’t have forcefield generator in play, it can be really useful ( and ready Quicksilver, again ! )

Brother Vodoo : can be used with Earth Mightiest Heroes, and make you draw an event ( well, perfect, this deck is full of great and cheap events ! )

Luke Cage : Always good to protect your low PV 2 or 3 times !

Night Nurse : you hate being stun … so here she is !

Have fun, i surely have a lot !


May 01, 2023 IPDramon · 4

The deck looks nice, but I think you are missing that Blade explicitly states that the resource must come from the hand.

May 01, 2023 Charles · 566

Yes, you’re right ! I missed that point … Anyway, still working very well with Earth Mightiest Heroes but thanks for the correction !