That's One Mean Teen

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

myeh · 40

This is a deck I've been continuing to tweak with every new Hero Pack release. The Hulk deck offered some great Aggression card that I feel really make this deck not only fun, but super effective for most villains & scenarios. So I feel that it's at the time to share with others.

Play tested on Solo Expert with all Villains (minus Wrecking Crew which I do not own ... yet) and their suggested Modular Sets as well as other modulars (looking at you MODOK & Hyrda). Success rate is north of 80%.


Like any other good Ms Marvel deck, you want to lean into Morphogenics and the Embiggen/Shrink buffs ... therefore, Event Events Events. Over half of the deck is made up of attack or thwart events with the notable 3-of being Drop Kick (more on that in a bit). Not only that, the name of the game is cheap events -- only less than a quarter of the events are over 2 cost. Cheap events means higher likelihood at being played multiple times in a turn with Morphogenics. On the topic of cheap events, yes, the often maligned Haymaker is here -- after all, an Embiggened Haymaker is 5 damage for 2 cost, above the average curve.

The rest of the deck is mostly built to support Ms Marvel doling out damage. Early game, as is often the case, you want to build. Polymer Suit, Martial Prowess and Quincarrier will all pay huge dividends, as you'll basically be able to do an attack or thwart event for free. They are also perfect for fulfilling those bonus pay-with-resource requirements (ie, Relentless Assault, Drop Kick).

When it comes to defending, let Ms Marvel take the damage (and don't forget that Wiggle Room can come back via Morphogenics). You want her to flip to Alter Ego mode to leverage her high Recovery and most importantly use her awesome Support cards -- namely, Nakia & Aamir. Aamir is my personal MVP on this side; use him to build your best turn. What this will may look like is flipping down to Alter Ego, pushing a double-resource to the bottom of the deck and then next turn pushing down a high-cost ally or maybe even another double-resource. If you happen to have Bruno out and you flipped down without any cards in hand, then stash the card you get from Aamir under Bruno (and then next turn, get it back, use Aamir and then Teen Spirit for an easy 9 cards in hand).

A few notes on Teen Spirit. 1) Use it before Aamir. You'll probably discard lots of good non-Ms Marvel cards via Teen Spirit, so bring the best back into your draw pile with Aamir. 2) Be careful with Teen Spirit near the end of your draw deck. You don't want to accidentally burn those great cards you've been stashing with Aamir if there are no more Ms Marvel cards left. 3) It's better at the beginning of the phase. Unless you have Bruno out to stash or need to dig for Ms Marvel's support or upgrade cards, be judicious when using Teen Spirit after flipping down to Alter Ego (and especially if you don't really have many resources on-table or in-hand).

The allies in play are all great threat controllers. You want to maximize their values across multiple turns and should really only use them as blockers when they've nearly exhausted their use (as mentioned before, don't be afraid for Ms Marvel to take the damage). Sentry is just awesome stat-wise. Brawn is great helping you 'tread water' against threat while you stay in Hero Mode for a few turns. She-Hulk is great to soak minion pings or control scheme, and then wallop the villain. And we all know what Nick Fury brings to the table.

MVPs & Synergies

  • Get Over Here! + Embiggen + Morphogenics => take out a 3 HP for 0 net cards
  • Drop Kick + Morphogenics => stun the villain, get Drop Kick back, but hold Drop Kick for next turn (basically employing Stun Lock strategy)

Probable tosses

  • Avengers Mansion
  • Haymaker if we ever get a better 2 cost attack event in the future

Scenario-specific tweaks

For low-HP minion-heavy scenarios (eg, Ultron):

  • Add Tigra
  • Add 1 Relentless Assault
  • Add 1 Get Over Here

For minion-heavy scenarios (eg, Mutagen Formula)

  • Replace 1 Drop Kick with Hall of Heroes
  • Add 3 Melees

Aug 22, 2020 deezl · 1

Not a bad deck, tried it on Rhino and won. Only problem is quincarrier, Ms. Marvel is not an avenger and can not use it

Aug 22, 2020 myeh · 40

Oh geez. That's an oversight on my part. Switching to Hellicarrier then. Thanks!