Captain Marvel - Gamma Support Mode - Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

boothwah · 81

Ran this with a Hulk aggro deck through all the villains up through Wrecking Crew on Expert/side B and wrecked.

Do all the thwarting and feed Hulk a card most every turn.


Aug 19, 2020 Schmendrix · 5437

I love this idea. It's a more balanced version of a deck I imagined where Captain Marvel literally never flips and just uses Beat Cops, Counterintel, Under Surveillance, etc. to control threat, and her hero ability to feed Hulk a card every turn. "Lazy Carol Danvers" didn't sound great, though.

Aug 20, 2020 boothwah · 81

I plan doing a more in depth write up when I get some pc time. Posting from phone atm. I pretty much flipped back and forth most turns with CM. But let me tell you, it's really fun to be able to say "Let's kill it!" , twice a game and do 30+ damage between energy channel, photon blast and an above average Hulk turn.