Stunning Steve Rogers! UpperCAP! Aggression Captain America

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Attercop! · 75

I had been waiting to build Aggression Captain America once I got a look at the Hulk cards and boy am I glad that I did.

The basic function of this deck is to pour damage on as only the Star-Spangled Avenger can using Skilled Strike, Combat Training and Jarnbjorn, with a high frequency of attack events to make the most of Martial Prowess.

There are 7 total Stun cards, which is fantastic for solo play. The versatility of Cap's ability makes it easy to shift gears for a turn and focus on threat.

I'm not 100% on Ally Hulk or She-Hulk, but the high frequency of resource icons does make him swing for 5 reliably. Combat Training is a 2-of because it increases the frequency of seeing it early, Cap gets functionally +1 damage over other heroes when he has it out and it can be pitched to either Jarnbjorn or his own ability if one is already in play.

Thanks for reading and I hope you get to introduce some villains to liberty and justice for all!

Edit: Swapped out She-Hulk for Lockjaw after some feedback on the deck.