I Was Born Ready | Quicksilver Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Catch Me If You Can | Quicksilver/Protection v1.0 520 455 28 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Martymaus · 184

"Am I Ready? I was born ready."

This deck forks off of ImpossibleGerman's "Catch Me If You Can" deck with many notable differences, which include:

- Addition of [Deft Focus](/card/16024) to pay for the many Superpower cards Quicksilver has. You'll find you can pay for a lot of Quicksilver cards without spending resources from your hand between [Friction Resistance](/card/14009) and [Deft Focus](/card/16024). Great especially for when you start exhausted in the player phase and need to play an [Always Be Running](/card/14003).

- Addition of [Powerful Punch](/card/32014) to take out pesky minions as needed, while also transitioning to damage dealing in mid to late game. It's one of the few decent damage dealing protection cards.

- Addition of Nova. Use [Quincarrier](/card/08023) resource generation with Nova during enemy phase to deal out 2 extra preemptive damage. Powerful combo with [Powerful Punch](/card/32014). Pun-ch intended. Recommended to be played in mid-game.

- Addition of [Symbiote Suit](/card/27191) to increase his basic abilities and hand size. The +10 health also removes some Quicksilver squishiness. There is a cautious balance with when to play this card, as you need to get some defense out ([Armored Vest](/card/01081), [Accelerated Reflex](/card/14008)) before you consume too many extra encounter cards. I recommend playing [Symbiote Suit](/card/27191) after getting the added defense (mid-game play). Remember that the extra encounter card goes to the first player in multi-player.

- Addition of [Leading Blow](/card/19017) and [Desperate Defense](/card/09015) to increase Quicksilver's readying so he can be used to maximal effect ([Desperate Defense](/card/09015) allows you to block up to 3 times when properly used with a little luck). [Leading Blow](/card/19017) is more valuable with [Symbiote Suit](/card/27191) and [Reinforced Sinew](/card/14011) is in play so his basic attack is 3, but temporary boosts such as from [Adrenaline Rush](/card/14022) and Maximum Velocity are also meaningful. Save [Adrenaline Rush](/card/14022) for when you can combine it with [Leading Blow](/card/19017) is a good play. Benefits of extra readying multiply once [Friction Resistance](/card/14009) is in play. It pays for [Desperate Defense](/card/09015), and gives extra resources with it and other readying cards quite well.

- Addition of [Hard to Ignore](/card/16017) to assist with threat reduction from main scheme. You're going to be defending, so get more out of it. Mid-game card, but useful once there.

- Addition of [Starhawk](/card/16012); you can create same ridiculous loops with Starhawk when he attacks against a retaliating foe. I prefer him over [Clea](/card/09013).

These additions necessitate changes:

- Removal of allies: [Clea](/card/09013), [Nick Fury](/card/01084), Spider-man (Miles Morales).

NOTE: When playing some Villains (looking at you Magneto), you'll need to add some allies back in to handle him. Recommend re-adding [Clea](/card/09013), and adding Ironheart and [Polaris](/card/32012).

- Removal of [Civic Duty](/card/14023) x 2

- Removal of [Side Step](/card/14015) x2 ([Side Step](/card/14015) is good, but I prefer [Desperate Defense](/card/09015))

- Some card quantity realignments.

Mulligan focus is:

(1) [Armored Vest](/card/01081) (cheaper cost than [Accelerated Reflex](/card/14008))
(2) [Accelerated Reflex](/card/14008)
(3) [Friction Resistance](/card/14009)
(4) [Deft Focus](/card/16024)
(5) [Quincarrier](/card/08023)
(6) [Hyper Perception](/card/14010)

If you don't get one of the first 4 just dump your hand; and then use Alter-Ego's Superpowered Siblings to discard and draw cards even further. Challenge of not having [Armored Vest](/card/01081) or [Accelerated Reflex](/card/14008) is soaking up too much damage early on. [Desperate Defense](/card/09015), [Never Back Down](/card/14014), [Maximum Velocity](/card/14005) or an ally can give you some temporary reprieve when in a pinch. [Brother Voodoo](/card/09012) can tutor cards for you too.

Jun 11, 2023 Martymaus · 184

Not sure why formatting blew chunks here. May need to replublish when I get the time.