The Great Bombard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kikke2 · 730

Welcome to the The Great Bombard deck.


This is one of my two takes on Spider-woman deckbuilding. You can check the other one (Great Goddess of Teotihuacan here:

I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that there was no deck on MarvelCDB featuring the combo of Repurpose + Go All Out + Symbiote Suit, and it works wonders.

Protect yourself with your TECHS Upgrades and then tranform them into a HUGE Cannon. With your "Superhuman agility", your Go All Out and your Repurpose will add +1 each on all your stats making you a 3/3/3 Hero. Then you have to add the +2 or +3 on ATK from Repurpose itself, and +1/+1/+1 from Symbiote Suit to make you a 7/4/4 Hero.

A ton of readying with 3 Self-Propelled Glide and 3 *Leading Blow can make you a real menace even without Go All Out or Push Ahead.

Then you have a ton of drawing cards and Black Panther to get back some key cards or even Pheromones (one of the best cards in the game).


Aug 10, 2023 cihs · 7

Does removing one Energy Barrier and adding Armored Vest makes sense? I know by using Armored Vest I am losing other +1s but in the long run it gives constant +1 for Push Ahead and Go All Around.