Punching Bag Peter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

eliala · 157


"What could go wrong?"

Afraid to play Star-Lord because you'll reveal a nasty encounter card that loses the game? Try this out!

This deck seeks to minimize the danger of Star-Lord's hero ability by converting nasty treacheries into attacks that you chump-block.

Here's an example:

Use your ability to reduce Multiple Man's cost by 3. Each of them thwart for 1. On the villain phase, that encounter card you took is Shadow of the Past. Not anymore! Get Behind Me! Block with Multiple Man. Easy.

What's that? You revealed Out for Blood? It's about to wipe your whole board? Black Widow saves the day! Exchange that nastiness for a wonderfully chumpable Assault.