Genius Versatility

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mougy · 88

This deck focus on Wasp's recursion ability in AE.

Most cards have mental resource and are in only 1 copy. The result is really versatile, your recur what your need at the moment

Most of the time it is better to choose Giant form. With upgrades Wasp can make basic thwart for 4 and spread among schemes, and even more with Making an Entrance and Rapid Growth.

Now threats are under control, use events to deal with minions, or let them die by retaliation.

Finally use Sonic Rifle to ease the access to AE

Priority at start: mullligan for ingenuity or quincarrier

Main recursion targets

  • monica changto chump block, and install Surveillance Team
  • moon girl, chump blocker, excellent draw combo with ingenuity, quincarrier
  • Sonic Rifle to allow changing to AE, and so to recur more !