Domino, a girl and his dogs

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Renatus · 8

If dogs are our best friends, Domino loves them more : This deck is build for multiplayers and around Cosmo. Because we can know our cards, Cosmo has not consequential damages : thus if you put in play "Bootcamp" (+1 atk), "Energy spear", "Enraged" and "Sidearm", Cosmo is a 7 atk, piercing and ranged without consequential damage ! Moreover, if you "marked" a minion, his attacks gain overkill. with "hall of heroes" and "the painted lady", you can have a 10 cards hand. Lockjaw takes the hit for you. Professor X and Psylocke give you a quiet turn in Alter-Ego form.

I played this deck in duosolo/expert I and won with easy vilain (Rhino/Klaw/Crossbone).