Why Would I Flip?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fordbr04 · 58

You know why Scott Summers is the leader of the X-Men? He’s a great delegator!

This deck is designed to just run through villains without ever leaving alter-ego. A core function is to go get X-Mansion and Danger Room on the table. Utopia is nice to use an ally multiple times a turn and expand the ally limit, but it’s not necessary.

My goals with this deck are as follows:

  • Get the key supports on the table using Forge or the new player side-scheme.

  • Always have seven resources in your hand thanks to Scott’s ability to fetch Tactic upgrades.

  • Build up ally strength with Danger Room to grab Attack Trainings.

-Get Wolverine on the table using X-Mansion and his ability to always keep him 100%.

This deck can work solo but I find it might need on or two more Justice allies. Otherwise, pair it with a never-flip Gambit deck and go wild!