Colossal Abuse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stunner · 8

Tired of the boss laughing at you for hitting like a baby? Tired of your friends not doing damage? Tired of depending on allies? This guy is for you...

You just need a friend to cover you for the first few turns while you equip a few upgrades and get ready to do some serious damage.

Playing allies is weak, the strategy of this colossus is to reduce your deck to start throwing blows like crazy, roll the dice and risk putting pressure on your enemy and the reward will be great.

(great for playing multiplayer with a Justice player)

I recommend keeping the first 2 turns in alter ego to equip yourself with as many cards as possible, then rock and roll.

Cansado de que el jefe se ria de ustedes por golpear como bebe?, cansado de que tus amigos no hagan daño?, cansado de depender de aliados?, este chico es para ti...

solo necesitas un amigo que te cubra durante los primeros turnos en lo que te equipas unos cuantos upgrades y preparate para hacer daño en serio.

Jugar aliados es de debiles, la estrategia de este coloso es reducir tu mazo para comenzar a tirar golpes a lo loco, tira los dados y arriesgate a presionar a tu enemigo y la recompensa sera grande.

(ideal para jugar en multijugador con un jugador Justicia)

recomiendo mantenerte los primeros 2 turnos en alter ego para equiparte lo más posible de cartas, luego a rock and rollear.