Phoenix Psychic Assult

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dphoenix520 · 8

Theory Crafting - Mainly for Multiplayer.

Background: I tend to play with a party of 2 or more. Will be making lots of changes throughout game plays.

Goal: To make a thwarting Phoenix without too much reliance on allies or set-up.

Game play thoughts: Using Cerebro to gain extra allies to summon. While having Utopia to constantly ready Phoenix to THW

Beat Cop will be great at removing 1 threat per turn and saving it up for when a strong minion appears. Or until then, you'll just continually remove 1 threat per round.

Using Psimitar to deal damage while using the Power of the Mind to reduce all the psionic cards Phoenix has. Even the Odds is great for multi-player as there are also a lot of side schemes loose.

Sorry first guide i'm creating, not sure how to link cards in this text to have the pop up to show what the cards are.

Lay Down the Law is great for Phoenix if you're constantly switching back into Jean to utilize Cerebro then switching back to wipe out a lot of threat. Jean tends to have a lot mental resources or wild resources.