Straight to the Point

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 610

To win in this game you need to 1) defeat the villain 2) not let the main scheme go and 3) survive long enough to do 1 and 2. This Hawkeye/Justice deck gets straight to the point (get it because arrows have points) and address all 3. Up until Mad Titan, Hawkeye was the only hero who had access to ignoring crisis icons. Honestly I think that is an oft forgotten but powerful thing. This deck leans into that.

The idea behind this deck is simple, who cares about side schemes? This deck focuses on dealing damage and keeping the main scheme in check. Use Cable Arrow and Crisis Averted to keep the threat low/gone power them with Sense of Justice. Under Surveillance to give you some more wiggle room to use Swift Retribution. Maybe even combo it with Counterintelligence. Multitasking is also included for those rounds where you're unable to ignore crisis.

Though this deck doesn't care about side schemes it doesn't ignore them completely. 7 allies are there to help deal with those (and take a few shots for you). Combine those chumps with Electric Arrow and of course who can forget one of the best signature allies in the game Mockingbird for plenty of free rounds. Endurance just feels so good on Hawkeye I had to include it.

I'm not as big on PSS as most of the community seems to be but I included Superpower Training to help accelerate Hawkeyes set up. Ideally you want Hawkeye's Quiver first but if that is out on the table you still have 2 Expert Marksman to target.