Ghostly Entrance (Expert Vision Justice)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jfosk11 · 49

I love Making an Entrance, and it pairs nicely with Vision. It lets you thwart and heal so you can stay in Intangible for longer. Between Phase Disruption, Sonic Rifle and Professor X, you've got several sources of Confuse for when you need to flip down and recur Vivian. Plan B and Plasma Pistol let you ping damage while Intangible, leaving allies to clean up the rest.

This deck is flexible and performs well in solo play. Control the board until you are ready to drop Solar Beam and Superdense Strike in rapid succession. This deck has beaten Expert Klaw and Expert Zola!


Oct 20, 2023 boomguy · 758

Nice deck! Why not include Soaring Acrobatics to boost his THW even further and help guarantee the Making an Entrance trigger?

Oct 20, 2023 jfosk11 · 49

That's a great idea. Angel has been out of stock at my local stocks, so will definitely slot that in when I can get it!