Spider-Woman SCL S16R03

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Karatekid80 · 2

Get Turn 6 clean wins with a Villain HP of 1.

Try to get the Challenger Tokens in this order:

  1. Defeat MaGog = 3 Tokens
  2. or 3. Defeat MaGog with an attachment (get the attachment with Global Logistic into play) = 3 Tokens + 1 Token
  3. or 2. Clear the Sidescheme Pump up the crowd (use One way or another to get it into play) 2 Tokens

This will bring Surprise Contender into play.

  1. Bring MaGog to 1 HP
  2. Finish the Game by defeating SC =2 Tokens