Negation Spiderman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JustATuna · 1

This deck is a protection Spider-Man build for multiplayer (Preferably 2 players), soley focused on keeping ur team through those pesky Treacheries!

This deck runs NO mansions, OR helicarriers.

It keeps its resource flowing thanks to Spiderman's ability - Spider Sense! We will be using that, in combination with Unflappable to draw cards!

This deck focuses on these central cards to aid your team = x2 Enhanced Spidersense x2 Get Behind Me! x2 Desperate Defense

These 6 cards is something you will be using once you have a resource card in play to pay for them. By rule of thumb, never, and i repeat, NEVER, EEEEEEVER, pay for these cards using cards in your hand! Always, always, always, use Resource cards such as Enhanced Awareness, and Webshooters to cheat them out without needing a card from your hand!

Besides that part, we opt not to run Tackles and such due to Spiderman having Webbed-Up. Also, if the villain doesnt attack us, we dont get to draw our free card!

With this deck, you will be able to stay in hero form for long periods of time. Of course, when you do flip, its to get some soup from Aunt May.

I love Spiderman Prot, and this is by far a unique way to play Protection!