Spider-Man Risky Business Protection Challenge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

miltonfrey · 7

Game 5 - Friday 12/15/2023 - Spider Man vs Green Goblin (Risky Business) - 8 rounds Spider Man: 1/0, Protection: 2/0, Green Goblin (Risky Business): 1/0, Overall: 4/1 Wasn’t a super difficult game, ended up winning fairly easily. I was surprised by the damage that Green Goblin can do, though. Three or four damage when he flips and then three of four base attack??? That’s a minimum of six or eight damage depending on the phase. Thinking back, you definitely want to deal damage to Norman and take the last Infamy counters off of Criminal Enterprise and then flip to Alter-Ego. He’s gonna scheme and remove at least one counter from State of Madness, but then you get a turn to wail on him? Idk, I was able to keep him stun locked for about half the game. I really liked the flipping, that was a cool mechanic, like the Hero/Alter-Ego stuff. He’s got some nasty side schemes, though. Lots of bad icons… I forgot how good Aunt May, Backflip, and Webbed Up are. They let you just not take damage, or take it but just heal all of it back. I put the Infamous Three back in. I ended up drawing with Fury, which was probably the best choice, but I think I could have killed a turn earlier if I had dealt damage instead. Turn one Helicarrier and turn two Avengers Mansion just do so much work.