She-Hulk - Habeas Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sn0wball · 49

This deck is centered around getting the most out of Hulk.

Until Hulk gets into play, She-Hulk can make great basic attacks. I avoided expensive cards, since the deck is very ressource poor. Once Jarnbjorn gets into play, She-Hulk can not only make Skilled Strike, but also Mean Swings.

For Hulk, there are as many STR ressource cards as possible, to üprevent Hulk from leaving prematurely or from damaging your allies. This way, you can get up to 25 DMG out of Hulk!

There is nothing for defense, but Recuperation and Down Time means She-Hulk can recover very fast while Hulk continues to clobber the enemies.