Deadpool vs. Juggernaut (Heroic Roulette)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch22 · 627

Welcome to the third deck of my Heroic Roulette challenge for the Next Evolution box, where I tune decks to win specific scenarios on heroic difficulty. You can see my first two decks here and read more about the stipulations of the challenge in the round 1 deck:

Round 1: Domino 'Pool vs. Morlock Siege

Round 2: Cable Aggression vs. On The Run


Basically all of Juggernaut's encounter set deals damage or makes the villain attack again. Deadpool has great healing ability, making him an obvious choice for this scenario. This scenario requires very little threat removal, making it a good one to use up protection on.


Juggernaut's Helmet dictates much of the gameplan. Stalwart and Overkill is a brutal combo that only leaves healing and Tough statuses as a way to survive. We'll probably flip it once or twice during the scenario just to reset Juggernaut's momentum counters, but there are so many encounter cards that can flip it back it's not something we should try to do regularly. This is the first scenario where we get the free Hope Summers ally, but it's hard to take too much advantage of her in protection.

Card Choices

Endurance + Symbiote Suit: By reaching a health total of 22, Deadpool can race to the finish with a Maximum Effort + This Card is Fire turn to end the game. Suit pulls double duty buffing Hope's stats as well.

Armor, Luke Cage, War Machine, Colossus - tough allies

3x Hard Knocks - Great to kill Creeping Willow, and more tough

Establish Perimeter - tough

3x Anticipated Attack - tough

3x Energy Barrier - good protection against Creeping Willow

Games Review: 3 wins, 0 loss

I was always happy to play the Suit as the extra 10 health helped soak the damage from extra encounter cards, and with Chimichanga Truck, I could always recover to survive before finishing with the combo turn. While tough cards was definitely the right strategy, I'd probably cut the Anticipated Attacks since they got to be pretty redundant. A Moira MacTaggert or other resource generation card might be better.


This is the most scenario-specific deck so far for this challenge, but that's what makes it so fun for me. It's a unique game experience that you wouldn't get from building generically powerful decks. The next scenario is a sweet one - the hardest villain vs. the best deck, X-23 Leadership vs. Mister Sinister. Thanks for reading.