Doctor Strange - Dark Dimension Defender

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alex199 · 41

Goal: Maximise Doctor Strange's ability to use his invocation deck cards whilst also meaningfully contributing to the teams effort by taking defenses for his other players.

  • To do this you need to ensure that if Strange defends he has a method to ready himself duiring the following player phase due to the requirement to exhaust to play the invocation deck cards.

This can be done in a number of ways:

  1. Cloak of Levitation (Best way for Strange to ready and a key upgrade to have on the board - play this when you can to get continued value in the long run)

  2. Indomitable a cheap upgrade for re-standing during the player phase if a defense has been made.

  3. Desperate Defense can be used to bump up Strange's defense value and if no damage is allows him to ready. A 5 defense blocks a lot of villain attacks across the board but can also be used against minions if the villain is particularly hard hitting.

  4. Ever Vigilant an option to pay to ready during the player whilst offering a way to aid in threat management for the team (You will need the Cloak of Levitation in play to gain Aerial however)

  5. What Doesn't Kill Me is another pay to ready option whilst also offering healing to Strange which can be very beneficial given his total health pool. Use Eye of Agamotto to aid the resource requirement on this card.

Additional Deck Elements: Allies: Clea is a great choice here given at low cost she can take hits for those that need it (even if it's Strange himself) and the added benefit of being shuffled back into your deck is great for ensuring she can maximise taking defenses along with Strange. - Also +++ for theming bonus!!

Brother Voodoo is a way to find those all important events that Strange has access to as part of his hero cards.

Warpath provides a way to play out of turn hero actions of which Strange has a good many options which can lead to killing minions making the attack with Magic Blast.

Supports: Defensive Training will allow you to redraw key events to re-ready Strange or mitigate his own damage with Shield Spell.

Quincarrier can be used to help pay for invocation cards or other events if you have an issue with hand size if defense events were played during villain phase. (this can be switched out with cards that offer similar end results such as Helicarrier or Avenger's Mansion)

Night Nurse offers additional heal at cheap cost and the ability to remove pesky Stuns/Confuses which can prevent Strange from using his invocation spells.


The general package of upgrades helps to sustain Strange's health pool along with providing additional defense stat and card draw to aid paying for invocation spells and defense events.

Resources: The basic package along with Digging Deep to offer additional potential on the Magic Blast event hitting the best trigger.