Spider-Ham and The Great Wall of Spider-Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GamersExhale · 8

So Spider-Ham and his web slinging friends are back to build a wall in this protection aspect based deck. Allies, protection and burst damage from discarding tech upgrades including forcefield generator and energy barrier, to the event card repurpose, to give spider- ham +3 attack along with paying 1 toon counter to exhaust huge wooden hammer to give an additional +2 attack, so at a minimum 6 attack, if stacked up with 3 repurpose and 3 forcefield generators, plus the +2 atk plus it's base of 1 atk, can do 12 damage i believe in one turn. With it's six allies, there are allies to thwart, attack and chump block for days! Anyways hopefully this deck is fun to play and as i play it more I'll maybe do an updated deck. Despite being a 50 card deck it's easy to cycle through and if played correctly can be pretty effective. So far I have one win with this deck! Hopefully more wins to come!