Shadowcat - Confusion Control

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Phenexian · 7

Simple deck idea, the aim is to setup confusion so your whole squad (including other players) can attack with Float Like a Butterfly without any issue. In fact, if you're playing alongside a leadership or event-heavy aggression player, it's probably a good idea to give them your first copy.

Phased and Confused is a great card for setting up this effect so that all of your team has a full phase in which to go all out.

There's also a nice little set of synergies here; Concussive Blow can be paid for with your solid mass form to always trigger its effect, Lay Down the Law triggers every turn thanks to your constant solid/phased switching, and Bishop is trivial to charge thanks to Shadowcat's ability to ignore any volume of damage.

46 cards are listed here, make cuts as you see fit. Mutant Education and X-Men Instruction might seem like easy cuts, but recycling your unique cards and key Allies can be pretty valuable.