X Gonna Give It To Ya

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ex's and Oh's 16 11 11 2.0

Sindrik8x · 590

Note: See Version 2.0, (post community feedback). View my decks on profile > "Published Decklists".



Mar 05, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 511

@Sindrik8x going to give this a shot. X-23 is one of my favorites to play and protection is a really fun aspect for her. Thanks for sharing!

Mar 05, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

NP buddy. If you happen to have Iceman and want to help me with the testing, that'd be great (if you feel it's good here). But, no pressure. I just don't have my hands on Rogue yet. Ordering her on Monday.

Otherwise, have fun man. I really like how decision trees kind of figure themselves out in this deck. Not overly complex between deciding building up, and combo turns. Appreciate you stopping in man!