Magikal Mutant Mayhem - Oops All 1-Costs! (Perfect Defense)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CookieWookie13 · 21

Do you like casting cards for free? How about defending 2-3 times every turn and doing lots of fun stuff during the villain phase? What about putting out more supports and upgrades than you can shake a Soulsword at? This deck might be for you!

Tested only in 2-3 player games.

After playing a dozen or so multiplayer games with this deck, I have decided it might be my favorite "perfect defense" deck, making Magik feel nigh unkillable while having the flexibility to dish out some damage and threat control over the course of a game. Will you dish out 100 damage in one big, explosive turn? No, but if you're like me, that's not what you want, and that's the beauty of it. You'll be managing the board like a control deck, mitigating a little bit of everything while fiddling with your ever-expanding tableau of fun upgrades and supports. You will almost always feel like you have something to do during every phase of the game, so I have been having a blast with it.

Important Notes for Newer Players: You probably figured out that Limbo is the lynchpin of Magik's kit when it comes to exploiting her sequencing properly and optimizing her ability to discount her top-of-deck cards during her turn AND the villain phase, but here are a few more things to consider:

I would suggest prioritizing Desperate Defense as your top card for the Villain Phase due to its ability to ready her for more defending.

Playing Spiritual Meditation off the top during the Player Phase doesn't let you get that juicy discount since it already costs 0, so if Limbo is ready anyway, it is often best to switch Spiritual Meditation for a card that will let you utilize your discount, and then you can start digging further into the deck with Spiritual Meditation anyway.

You might wonder why 47 cards? Between her playing off the top of the deck and also Spiritual Meditation, you will cycle through your deck sooooo quickly, and I prefer a larger toolbox of upgrades and supports to play with. I tested running 50 and still ran out faster than my friends that ran 40-card decks, but 47 has become my sweet spot for all my favorite cards. Give it a try!

I hope you enjoy! Have a Magikal time!


Apr 07, 2024 andyr · 4772

I haven’t tried Magik in protection yet. This looks like a great first dive for me! Thanks for posting!

Apr 09, 2024 CookieWookie13 · 21

Hope you enjoy it! I’ve played it several more times since posting, and I can’t seem to get enough of it! So much fun!