Rogue Summons You

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AlphaRed · 55

Do you often find yourself unwilling to play some of the most expensive allies in the game? Then this Rogue mystical leadership deck is your answer.

The key card - Summoning Spell. An incredibly powerful event that will play the next ally in your deck, regardless of how expensive they are, for just 2-cost!

The problem is you can have only one in your deck, making its usage limited.

Enter Rogue's best card (sorry Bulletpoof Belle)...Superpower Adaptation. With Kaluu in play, using Touched on him means you can play the three Superpower Adaptation cards in your deck to get back Summoning Spell from your discard pile again, and again, and again.

To make the most out of this, you want to stack your deck with really expensive allies, 4-cost or higher. Getting Giant-Man out for such a huge discount and then buffing him up via Inspired and Leadership Skill is particularly satisfying.

Once you've got these costly allies out you want them to stick around as well, so Med Lab and Rapid Response come in very handy.

This deck (and Rogue in general) works best in multiplayer when you can team her with Scarlet Witch and use Superpower Adaptation to take Chaos Magic from the discard pile as well. In true solo you might feel the need to include Call For Aid to increase your chances of getting Kaluu quickly seeing as he is the essential piece to make solo work.