Quicksilver - Old Hero New Tricks - Suit Up!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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NelsonAllOver · 5861

Quicksilver Sidekick + Voltron Deck

Deck Factory! Card we are focusing on this week is Sidekick!

Use Sidekick to keep Scarlet Witch on the table for the whole game powering up Super Power Siblings. While you are flipping use the rest of your Suit Ups to build out Iron Man and Ronin!

Here is a video explaining the deck: https://youtu.be/I6qv4I1kkmE (Live 4/15 at 8AM EST)


Apr 16, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 6330

Cool deck and great video! Being this close to 50 just throw in 3 copies of Earth's Mightiest Heroes! Always fun revisiting these older heroes.