Parker Industries Stock Is Rising Con of Heroes 2024

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Weaving Threads 261 207 23 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Pedroq · 175

Parker Industries has hired two promising stars; [Maria Hill](/card/01067) and [Moon Girl](/card/28018). Maria Hill's prior covert government work makes her an amazing mover and shaker. She will network to increase Parker Industries' good will in the community. The young genius, Lunella Lafayette, is developing new tech that will profit Parker Industries.

This deck is inspired by the Weaving Webs deck.

Suit Up is such an absurd card that leadership did not need, but oh so great that it got. Suit Up with Peter's resource rich identity works wonders to make use of Suit Up at any point in the game. Use Suit Up to play [Moon Girl](/card/28018), draw back up and then play another board card or ally. Use your allies to support your teammates with blocks. Use Suit Up and Make the Call to play [Maria Hill](/card/01067) repeatedly to get a card draw for everyone. Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier can be given out or used to play your heavier cost cards like Swinging Web Kick and Webbed Up.

Nifty Stuffs:

[Ronin](/card/12013) can be fetched with Suit Up and with Inspired he gets amazing stats. Relatively easy to play him repeatedly with Suit Up.

[White Tiger](/card/04099) is a pseudo Moon Girl.

[Mission Leader](/card/40023) is pseudo Maria Hill. Throw in Player Side-Schemes into the deck.

[Med Lab](/card/38028) is a fine way to keep White Tiger or Ronin around without committing Suit Up or Make the Call to fetch them. Med Lab AE restriction is fine as you want to flip down to make use of your AE resource and use Suit Up.