Hellcat Saves the Day (While Jenn Stays at Work)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

christofu9000 · 22

This is a sidekick deck. But we all know who the real sidekick is here… Hellcat has always bailed out She-Hulk in all my games and now she’s taking front and center stage with She-Hulk bringing some damage control.

Sidekick, Reinforced Suit, SkyCycle, and Inspired make Hellcat the boss on the battle field as she messes with the villains plans while She-Hulk stomps around in the background, idk.

Goal of the deck is to tutor out Hellcat and slap some upgrades on her. That simple. There are quite a few combos with the new card Side By Side that allow for a lot of “Readying” shenanigans. If you need more thwart, don’t be afraid to exhaust She-Hulk to Earth’s Mightiest Hero’s and ready Hellcat some more (she is the better half after all).

Flip She-Hulk to Jenn to get some girl time in as you can both recover if Hellcat has sidekick attached. You’ll want to keep her out all game so don’t be afraid to face tank damage with She-Hulk and the flip down to heal her and Hellcat. Sometimes even staying as Jenn can help dig you out of a threat hole if Hellcat is totally build out. Just let Jenn stay at work while Hellcat takes to the streets and cleans up the bad guys.

All the She-Hulk shade aside, I do really love her and play her the most; so if you’re feeling that same love then you can go for a big turn with her once you’ve got a bunch of EMHs and 1,2 punches etc.

Black Panther tutors Side By Side for value later and Hawkeye can be a stand in for sky cycle if Hellcat gets lost in the deck (unlikely), as Hawkeye likes to sit on the board a while and shoot minions for you (don’t sleep on this, minions are a slight weakness to the build so get him out). Blade is blade, use him for EMH.

Team is totally Avengers so I’m open to deck changes if anyone has suggestions like Mighty Avengers etc. Works great though so far!

Enjoy cleaning up the streets with Hellcat! (Oh yea… and She-Hulk too I guess).


May 01, 2024 adsarf · 333

Hi @christofu9000, I was thinking of a She-Hulk sidekick deck, and I see you got there first.

Do you find Suit Up effective in getting Hellcat out? If you play it turn one you won't wind up with more than 3 cards left over to play her and Sidekick, so it seems like it will only work when you either have a double resource in hand, or later in game when you have some other resource generators - by which time you've probably seen Hellcat anyway.