Iceman - Mansion Pool Party

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kingbarbarossa · 163

Overview - While Iceman isn't very good at thwarting, he is good at reducing the amount of threat that goes on main in the first place, which allows him to flip back to AE more than most characters, even in Expert where steady and stalwart are common. This deck focuses on building pieces of Iceman's engine quickly, then frequently flips back to AE to build the rest. Once everything is in place, focus on damage to end the game. In other words, keep the pool party going with the x-men, then hit the town (villain) refreshed and ready to rock.

Icemans kit - Iceman really wants you to run a lean deck for a few reasons. First and foremost, Cryokinetic Perception, which can both draw you a card, which is excellent on it's own, AND ready you if you draw one of your many ice cards in your kit. This can be done while defending as well, allowing you to stay in hero longer when needed and reduce the overall damage the villain can put into the field. The second reason you want a lean deck is to increase how often you can use your resource generators/cost reducers. He has 13 TBE targets in his kit (thus two of them, play both asap), 9 superpowers, and 7 identity events. Once you have a few resource generators in play, you'll start getting at least one card per hand "free", and will easily be able to play a second as well.

X-men Synergy - Iceman really likes the X-men backboard. All the xmen do, it's an absurdly good tribal set, but Iceman gets more value out of it than most. Each of his readies from utopia can be converted into a -1 thwart on the next turn with frostbite, and gives you another chance to trigger cryokinetic perception if you haven't already. Additionally, it allows your snow clones to attack without consequential damage, meaning they'll often stick around far longer than most allies, delivering a ton of attacks for you. I've generally focused on high thwart allies here because that tends to be Iceman's biggest problem in my games. Use build support to get out uncanny or utopia, whichever you don't have yet. With uncanny in play, there are 6 allies you can play out of hand just with a single TBE, leaving your other TBE for an ice event, upgrade or support. If you've already got both and are in villain stage 1, x-mansion will help a lot. If you're near the end, team training will give you more ally activations to close out the match.

Other cards worth consideration -

Super Power training: Excellent card, but I found utopia and uncanny were the ones i needed more. While cryo can also ready you, it's less reliable early game. Utopia works every time. And with 10 xmen allies, uncanny gives you the bodies you need to either survive attacks or thwart long enough to build up the backboard. Since it's a PSS, it'd be pretty easy to add this in without a notable impact, aside from the first deck pass.

Hope Summers: Another way to get Cryo or the card you need, and a solid thwarter otherwise. On the expensive side though. Helpful, but I found I did well without her.

Forge: Great way to fish out utopia, might replace Gentle with him in less minion heavy scenarios.

General piloting tips-

The more frostbite in the field, the more valuable the flip. If you can get 2-3 Frostbite on the villain between attacking and events, get maximum value out of them by flipping and reducing the next scheme by 2-3, AND pushing back your next mill card by adding more ice cards to your deck. X-mansion and Mutant Education are here to make each flip even more valuable. Use X-mansion to get some extra thwarting out of Beast, Mirage or Shadowcat.

Ice wall is expensive, but valuable. Between Power belt and TBE discounts, it's a steal at 3 ER. It lets you stay in hero longer to wait for a better time to flip, or cover another player while you flip. Don't forget it also deals out another frostbite when it's melted.

Frozen Solid cancels an activation, meaning a lot of other things don't trigger afterwards. For example, Sabertooth only heals after an activation. No activation, no heal. He discards through his deck slower, delaying acceleration counters from being added into the game. Just keep slowing the villain down till your engine is built, and then you'll be able to deal damage faster than they can, ending the game quickly.

Hothead, your obligation can only be discarded, so you'll never be fully rid of it. That's another reason why you want to have opportunities to flip to AE, and get a lot of value when you do, because you'll have to from time to time. Take advantage of it!