The Iceman Thwarteth

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

IceHot · 40

This deck is really pretty rough and mostly is composed of the leftover cards from my card pool. The other 2 Justice Heroes seem to be taking the bulk of the quality cards.

What I think makes this deck supplement the Iceman Kit is the slew of 2 THW allies (2 of which in this variation are off-tribe).

I dont think I have used Agile Flight in any of my games yet the rest have had spot duty here and there.

So far surprisingly the deck is 7-0, but I havent tackled anything challenging just yet.

Morlock Siege 2-0 On the Run (Harpoon) 1-0 Juggs 2-0 Mister Sinister 2-0