Star-Lord Rush (beats GMW in expert, including Ronan)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cacol89 · 26

Use a rush strategy to win. In general don't that ever, you will try to win by the third or fourth turn. Use your allies as chomp block, try to toughen them or recover them. Do not do Star Lord's ability (what can go wrong) until the final push. The first turns you want to do 2 attack + 3 Element gun damage, plus some ally damage. Rush to try to get to stage 2 as fast as possible, but don't deal yourself encounter cards. Once you get to stage two flip back to alter ego and let the scheme advance, it's fine. You want to draw that extra card. The final push is just playing a bunch of daring escapes, and sliding shot. Usually you can do around 30 damage in one turn. Blaze of glory is important for the final push too.

Nick fury is important to play but just for the card draw! You really want to find those daring escapes.

If the card draw is has you'd likely loose around turn 4... so this deck needs a bit of luck, but that's thematic with starlord.