Magik - rush deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jyng89 · 7

Rush down the enemy!

Use Clobber, soul strike, magic attack etc. to do as much damage as you can on your turns!

Limbo helps you to get the cards you need to where they need to be (i.e. top of the deck) and being able to see your top card makes Hulk a breeze to use!

Avengers mansion helps you to swop the top card by giving it to you and gives you more resources + at the same time makes it easy for you to get extra damage in!

See a resource on the top of your deck and feel sad? No problem! Use Limbo to swop clobber for it , getting an extra resource or 2 and then playing clobber for cheap! As it's the first card played, you even get clobber back for even more damage or to use it as a resource for your other damage dealing cards! It even synergizes with Hulk! So you could swop clobber in, attack with Hulk for that extra 2 damage, play clobber from top of the deck, and get all that extra sweet sweet resources to unleash more pain on the villain! :D

Have fun!