Here I Am. Would You Send Me An Angel?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kljovar · 59

Such a great feeling when you got Wasp in your hand together with a copy of The Power of Flight - enough to put 2 pym counters on her. You can exhaust her instead of Angel to play Bombs Away. Superpower Training to bring Techno-Organic Wings in play and Soaring Acrobatics to boost your basic powers. IPAC is a late game card, use it only when you are searching for a Dive Bomb to make the final push. If you feel safe and need a card or two you can activate it a bit earlier in the game. Enhanced Awareness is a nice addition because its not easy to find those mental resources in order to trigger Honed Technique. I tested the deck against Klaw and Green Goblin, both games on Standard 3/Expert Mode and had a tons of fun:-)