Captain America Aggro Rush

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Captain America Aggro Rush 0 0 0 1.0
Captain America Aggro 1 1 0 2.0

BananaCrapshoot · 4793

Alright champions I have another version of captain America aggression that is a blast to play.

This deck takes advantage of stun locks and getting free damage and kickers off the drums to rush the villain down fast.

The main engine is the heroic strike and drop kicks to stun, along with mockingbird. then you use Press the Advantage to get small chicks of damage and and other cards draw, then use Toe to Toe to get a 5 damage for 1 resource and you don’t take the attack because the villain or minion is stunned!

Allies: -Brawn is the best aggro ally so he’s in all my aggro decks

-Hulk is amazing and we have enough physical resources here, if scared you can just use him as a meat shield

-mockingbird brings us another stun source to set up PTA and T2T

  • spider-girl is a great cheap ally that does a thing and blocks an attack


-drop kick is great sith CA, can get the kicker almost every time, plus sets up PTA and T2T

  • Press the Advantage is part of our main deal here to get efficient damage plus it replaces itself

-skilled strike is great with cap to buff his already good damage when using basic attacks

-Toe to Toe paired with drop kick and heroic strike becomes like the most efficient damage dealing card in the game and the whole focus of the deck

I’m not going to go into supports or upgrades as their inclusion should be self explanatory.

let me know what you think and how this deck plays for you. stay scheming.


Oct 11, 2020 Drazatis · 26

Big fan of this deck, as Toe to Toe is far and away my favorite card in the game. Gonna give it a go tonight against Kang.

Oct 11, 2020 BananaCrapshoot · 4793

@Drazatislet me know how it goes!

Oct 14, 2020 BananaCrapshoot · 4793

@Drazatis did you give it a go? I’d so how’d you like it?